Helpful Links for Children's Book Writers
Here are some helpful links if you want to write for children:
1. Every children’s book writer or illustrator, whether published or aspiring, should belong to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. For a mere $99 a year (and then $85/year for renewal), you get their invaluable bimonthly publication, with information on changing children’s book and magazine markets, writing tips, conferences, and more. Every state/region has its own chapter of SCBWI and most have regional conferences with prominent editors and literary agents. Often you can arrange a critique with an editor or agent for a fee at these events. On the website is an annually updated list of children’s book publishers and literary agents with submission requirements.
2. The website The Purple Crayon, maintained by children’s books editor/writer/consultant Harold Underdown, has excellent tips on the basics of submitting a children’s book manuscript, along with a page called “Who’s Moving Where” that keeps up on staff in the revolving door that is children’s trade publishing.
3. The writing course Cindy taught for many years, “Writing for Children and Teens,” is through the Institute of Children’s Literature. Over 10 assignments, students work with a published author to learn how to write and submit stories and nonfiction pieces for both the magazine and book markets. The instructors, many of whom are friends, are excellent.
4. Magazine Markets for Children's Writers and Book Markets for Children’s Writers are guides to, respectively, the markets for publishing in children’s magazines and with publishers of children’s books. They include complete submission information for hundreds of magazines or publishers each. Just note that no print source is as authoritative as a publisher’s website, and a publisher’s needs can change from month to month; so you want to check each listing against the magazine or book publisher’s website. These are available from Writer’s Institute Publications: